Saturday, June 29, 2013


Xogen - A Canadian company which was all started with the work of the late Stanley Meyer. Stanley is well known for developing technology that would enable us to use water as a fuel, filling our cars with water as opposed to gasoline. After his death, Stan's twin brother Stephen became the legal owner to his technology and all of his patents. Stephen then moved to Canada and started the company Xogen using the same technology that Stan developed, but for the treatment of waste water instead. The technology uses an extremely efficient form of electrolysis to produce oxy-hydrogen gas from water. This gas can then be burned to produce energy in the form of heat, which can run engines, generators or heaters. The resulting by product from the burning of the gas is pure H20, which makes it an effective water purifier as well as an energy source.

Friday, June 28, 2013


WWOOF, which stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, is a network of organic farms all over the world where volunteers can come work on the farm in exchange for free food and a place to stay. It is a great way for people to learn about the benefits and techniques of organic farming and living a more sustainable life as well as an inexpensive alternative to travel and see the world.