Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Burning Water With a Spark Plug!

I think it is fair to say that most people in the world today realize that we are in a dire state of being if we do not start to change our ways as a whole. One of the biggest global problems we have in the world today is pollution, and one of the biggest causes of that pollution comes from the burning of fossil fuels, especially in vehicles. There have been many proposed solutions to this concern and one of my favorites is the idea of using water as a fuel source for vehicles of all kinds. In this video, a man appears to be burning water with a spark plug. I am not sure what kind of voltage he is running to the plug but it appears that the water is being gravity fed through a copper pipe to the business end of a spark plug where it then bursts into a flame. Whether or not the water is being split into Hydrogen and Oxygen gas first is hard to say, but one must ask the question, does it really even matter? Is it possible that this is enough combustion to replace that of gasoline in an internal combustion engine? Is it really as simple as piping water through a spark gap and into the engine cylinder? I'm not sure but it sure is an intriguing thought. I think it's about time for some tinkering of my own. : )

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